Monday, November 2, 2009

Policy and Zephie.

Embrace, extend, and extinguish.

They taught me that at school before I left. It's the way my parents 'Corp works. It was like their perfect little mantra. I think it's kind of cool that I've decided to take it on as my own... but in a different way.

I got a job through this girl I met, Zephie. She's awesome. I've never met anyone so bright, upbeat and still absolutely badass. Also: I'm totally envious of her purple hair. Anyway. It was for a Mr. Johnson. I'll be honest... I was a little terrified. There were guys with guns. Zephie went with me though. Oh wow, you should see her. The way she moves is like liquid.

She gave me a gun. I didn't even know what to do with it. I just hid in the back and hacked through their servers. I love the 'Trix, my mind just asked for doors to open and they did. It was amazing. I tucked the file into my comm and we were out of there.

Then. We went dancing.

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